JavaScript localeCompare(): String Comparison with Language Support
A Complete Guide to Language-Aware String Sorting in JavaScript
Sorting strings correctly in JavaScript can be more challenging than it seems at first glance. Many developers rely on standard comparison methods (>
, <
, ===
), but these approaches often fail when dealing with different languages, case sensitivity, and numerical sorting.
In this article, we’ll explore the localeCompare
method—a powerful but often overlooked tool that allows for proper string sorting with respect to linguistic rules. We’ll also discuss its advantages, limitations, and real-world use cases.
Problems with Standard String Comparison
By default, JavaScript compares strings character by character based on their Unicode values. This approach can lead to unexpected results:
console.log("apple" > "banana"); // false (as expected)
console.log("Zebra" > "apple"); // false (unexpected, since 'Z' < 'a' in Unicode)
console.log("straße" === "Strasse"); // false (in German, these are considered the same)
Key Issues with Standard String Comparison:
Case Sensitivity
"Zebra" > "apple"
because uppercaseZ
has a smaller Unicode value than lowercasea
Diacritic Handling
"straße" !== "Strasse"
despite both being identical in German.
Incorrect Numerical Sorting
Sorting strings with numbers results in an unnatural order:
console.log(["file10", "file2"].sort()); // ["file10", "file2"]
The expected order is
["file2", "file10"]
, but Unicode-based comparison sorts"1"
Why Use localeCompare
The localeCompare
method allows for string comparisons that respect linguistic rules, case sensitivity, and numerical order.
console.log("árbol".localeCompare("zanahoria", "es")); // -1 ('Á' comes before 'Z' in Spanish)
console.log("él".localeCompare("el", "es", { sensitivity: "base" })); // 0 (ignores accent difference)
console.log("archivo10".localeCompare("archivo2", "es", { numeric: true })); // 1 (correct numerical sorting)
console.log("mesa".localeCompare("Madrid", "es", { sensitivity: "case" })); // 1 (case-sensitive sorting)
Advantages of localeCompare
✅ Correct string comparison across languages
✅ Customizable sorting (ignoring case, handling numbers, controlling sort order)
✅ Supported in all modern browsers (no extra libraries needed)
Understanding localeCompare
is used as follows:
string1.localeCompare(string2, [locales], [options])
– The string to compare against.locales
(optional) – The language locale (e.g.,"en"
). Defaults to the system locale if not provided.options
(optional) – An object configuring the comparison behavior.
Basic Examples:
console.log("manzana".localeCompare("banana")); // -1 ('manzana' comes before 'banana')
console.log("banana".localeCompare("manzana")); // 1 ('banana' comes after 'manzana')
console.log("manzana".localeCompare("manzana")); // 0 (strings are equal)
Locale-Specific Sorting:
console.log("ñ".localeCompare("z", "es")); // -1 ('ñ' comes before 'z' in Spanish)
console.log("ä".localeCompare("z", "sv")); // 1 ('ä' comes after 'z' in Swedish)
Using localeCompare
with Options
The options
parameter allows fine-tuning of sorting behavior:
1. Case Sensitivity (caseFirst
Controls whether uppercase or lowercase letters should come first.
console.log("a".localeCompare("B", "es", { caseFirst: "upper" })); // 1 ('B' comes before 'a')
console.log("a".localeCompare("B", "es", { caseFirst: "lower" })); // -1 ('a' comes before 'B')
– Uppercase letters come first."lower"
– Lowercase letters come first."false"
– Follows locale-specific sorting.
2. Diacritic Sensitivity (sensitivity
Determines whether accents and case differences are considered.
console.log("españa".localeCompare("España", "es", { sensitivity: "case" })); // -1 (case-sensitive)
console.log("número".localeCompare("numero", "es", { sensitivity: "base" })); // 0 (ignores accents)
console.log("número".localeCompare("numero", "es", { sensitivity: "accent" })); // 1 (distinguishes accents)
– Ignores case and accents."accent"
– Distinguishes accents but ignores case."case"
– Distinguishes case but ignores accents."variant"
– Distinguishes both case and accents.
3. Numeric Sorting (numeric
Ensures correct order for strings containing numbers.
console.log("archivo10".localeCompare("archivo2", "es", { numeric: true })); // 1 ('archivo2' comes before 'archivo10')
console.log("archivo10".localeCompare("archivo2", "es", { numeric: false })); // -1 (default behavior)
4. Ignoring Punctuation (ignorePunctuation
console.log("hola!".localeCompare("hola", "es", { ignorePunctuation: true })); // 0
console.log("palabra, palabra".localeCompare("palabra palabra", "es", { ignorePunctuation: true })); // 0
Practical Applications of localeCompare
1. Sorting an Array of Strings (ES Locale)
const words = ["zanahoria", "Ñandú", "pimiento", "árbol", "banana"];
words.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b, "es"));
// ["árbol", "banana", "Ñandú", "pimiento", "zanahoria"]
To ignore case differences:
words.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b, "es", { sensitivity: "base" }));
2. Sorting an Array of Objects by Name
const users = [
{ name: "Sergio" },
{ name: "Ana" },
{ name: "Yolanda" },
{ name: "Benito" }
users.sort((a, b) =>, "es"));
/* [{ name: "Ana" }, { name: "Benito" }, { name: "Sergio" }, { name: "Yolanda" }] */
To ensure case-insensitive sorting:
users.sort((a, b) =>, "es", { sensitivity: "base" }));
Limitations of localeCompare
1. Performance on Large Data Sets
Sorting large arrays with localeCompare
is slower than simple Unicode comparison due to its complexity.
🔹 Optimization Tips:
sensitivity for faster comparisons.Cache results if sorting frequently.
for better performance:
const collator = new Intl.Collator("es", { sensitivity: "base" });
arr.sort((a, b) =>, b));
2. Locale Support in Older Browsers
Check supported locales:
console.log(Intl.Collator.supportedLocalesOf(["es", "en", "fr"]));
The localeCompare
method provides accurate, customizable, and language-aware sorting, making it invaluable for internationalized applications. However, for large-scale sorting, alternatives like Intl.Collator
may offer better performance. 🚀