Mastering CSS :has() for Dynamic Styling and Theme Switching

Mastering CSS :has() for Dynamic Styling and Theme Switching

CSS :has(): Dynamic Styling Without JavaScript


When it comes to implementing interactive effects on the web, the common approach involves JavaScript. Developers typically:

  1. Create a DOM structure with select, switch, or radio elements.

  2. Define CSS styles to reflect different states.

  3. Use JavaScript to change styles dynamically based on user actions.

While this approach works, it also tightly couples logic with styling. But what if we could achieve dynamic interactions purely with CSS, without any JavaScript interference? Enter the :has() pseudo-class!

Why Prioritize CSS Over JavaScript?

Before diving into :has(), let's explore why CSS should be the first choice for styling and interactivity whenever possible.

DimensionCSS Advantage ScenariosJavaScript Advantage Scenarios
Rendering Performance✅ GPU-accelerated animation, native browser optimization❌ Frequent DOM manipulations cause reflow/repainting
Resource Usage✅ Style calculations are handled at the browser's C++ layer❌ Parsing and execution consume CPU resources
Development Efficiency✅ Quick implementation of animations and layouts✅ More flexibility for complex dynamic logic
Maintenance Costs✅ Centralized style management, clear structure❌ Highly coupled style logic scattered in the code
Browser Compatibility❌ New features require polyfills for older browsers✅ JavaScript can provide fallbacks

CSS has evolved significantly, offering new capabilities like CSS variables and powerful pseudo-classes that eliminate the need for JavaScript in many cases.

Understanding :has()

The :has() pseudo-class is a game-changer, allowing parent elements to style themselves based on the presence of specific child elements.

Example: Theme Switching Without JavaScript

Traditional theme toggling requires JavaScript to handle user interactions. But with :has(), we can accomplish this with pure CSS.

HTML Structure:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
  <title>CSS :has() Theme Switcher</title>
    :root {
      --background-light: white;
      --text-light: black;
      --background-dark: black;
      --text-dark: white;

    .main {
      background: var(--background-light);
      color: var(--text-light);
      padding: 20px;
      transition: background 0.3s, color 0.3s;

    .main:has(.theme option[value="dark"]:checked) {
      background: var(--background-dark);
      color: var(--text-dark);
<body class="main">
  <select class="theme">
    <option value="light">Light</option>
    <option value="dark">Dark</option>
  <p>Enjoy seamless theme switching with just CSS!</p>


  1. The :has() pseudo-class checks if the .theme <select> has a selected <option> with value="dark".

  2. When the dark option is selected, :has() updates the background and color properties accordingly.

  3. No JavaScript is required to toggle themes!

Caveats and Browser Compatibility

While :has() is a powerful tool, it has limitations:

  • Browser Support: It requires modern browsers like Chrome, Edge, and Safari. Older browsers (e.g., IE11) do not support it.

  • Performance Considerations: Excessive use of :has() on deeply nested elements might impact rendering performance.


The :has() pseudo-class opens new doors for styling logic previously reliant on JavaScript. However, like any tool, it should be used judiciously. While it simplifies theme switching and other dynamic styles, developers must ensure cross-browser compatibility.

By prioritizing CSS for styling and leveraging its latest features, we can create more maintainable and performant web applications. So next time you think of adding JavaScript for styling, consider if CSS can do the job first!